It has been a while since I have been able to update this blog and in that time I have completed about 5 different sites at multiple agencies. I am going to make an effort to get them all up here, but it has been hard to keep track of what has gone live and what is still being deployed. The first small site that is actually live is HP Make it big.
This is built to support multiple European languages and is driven by XML.
This FLV Info tool enables you to view embedded MetaData without needing to play the video. Just like the SWFInfo tool I blogged about last year, using this tool you select your FLV file using the FileReference class and then you can view all you need to know about your Flash video : duration, width, height, videodatarate, framerate, videocodecid and stereo values.
It works by converting the loaded FLV data into a ByteArray and then searching for the string values associated with each metadata value. Then it reads either a double-precision (64-bit) floating-point number from the ByteArray, or in the case of ‘stereo’, a Boolean value. Also it will tell you how the videocodecid number translates into an understandable string value (i.e. VP6, H263 or AVC).
This is v2 of Fairytale Fights and a more complete and extensive site than v1. It is AS3.0 and XML driven, and uses the GAIA framework. It supports 6 languages and uses video extensively. This game looks like it would be great fun to play and the artwork for the game is brilliant.
This site for Moonbeam Films went live last week. It is AS3.0, XML controlled and uses the Gaia framework. It also uses the Google Maps API which is very easy to set up and use.
The FLARToolKit is great and very easy to get up and running, thanks to the great demo from Saqoosha.
You can design your own image and generate a marker file here.
If you have a webcam you can download my marker image, then print it and have a go for yourself by visiting this page.
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