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FOTB conference pass!

I just got my Flash on the Beach 3 day conference pass! I managed to get one of the first 50 tickets so I qualified for the Mega Early Bird price which was great. I’ve been once before and I had an amazing time. Inspirational speakers and a great experience. Bring on September…

Get your tickets here

AIR application – Transcription Tool (MP3 Player)

Recently I had to transcribe some music for a funk cover band that I play in. Transcribing is much easier when you can loop a section of the track and listen to it over and over. This isn’t a feature that any of the media players on my computer have, so I figured I would build an Mp3 player that can do this.

Download Transcription Tool


The Transcription Tool enables you to load in a local mp3 file from your library, and then loop all or a selected part of the track. There is an HSlider component with 2 handles (sliders) so that you can choose whichever part of the tune you like.

This is a standalone desktop application based on Adobe® AIR™ Runtime
Download Transcription Tool

Let me know any feature requests for future versions.