by Daniel | Aug 26, 2008 | actionscript, Tools
Following up on an earlier post, here is the AS2.0 version of the dragToPosition X & Y coordinate tracer.
class com.sitedaniel.utils.Design
public static function dragToPosition(mc:MovieClip):Void
mc.onPress = function():Void
startDrag(this, false);
mc.onRelease = function():Void
trace(this._x + ', ' + this._y);
by Daniel | Aug 26, 2008 | actionscript
This is an oldie but a goodie.
Getting around scope problems in AS2 can be a pain, but mx.utils.Delegate can help. The only problem is that you can’t pass parameters to your function using this one. The following class enables you to use the Delegate.create method, and also pass parameters to the function:
class com.sitedaniel.utils.Delegate
public static function create(t:Object, f:Function):Function
var _args:Array = arguments.slice(2);
var _func:Function = function():Void
var _newArgs:Array = arguments.concat(_args);
f.apply(t, _newArgs);
return _func;
UPDATE 11/10/08
This post gets quite a bit of traffic so I thought I should add a usage example.
This is a function that creates 5 buttons and spaces them in a loop:
private function _createButtons():Void {
for (var i:Number = 0; i<5; i++) {
var tmp:MovieClip = _mc.createEmptyMovieClip('b_'+i, i);
tmp._x = 40 * i;
tmp.onRelease = Delegate.create(this, _onRelease, i);
Delegate.create(this, _onRelease, i);
Then by passing 'i' in as a parameter, it comes into the function as an argument:
private function _onRelease(n:Number):Void {
trace('_onRelease : '+n)
You can also pass in multiple arguments, including different types:
tmp.onRelease = Delegate.create(this, _onRelease, i, true, {val:10});
function _onRelease(n:Number, isGood:Boolean, myObj:Object):Void {...
by Daniel | Aug 22, 2008 | actionscript
The new site went live yesterday after two frantic weeks (see previous post). The site is built in AS3.0 and uses RTMP video streaming to stream music video clips. The site also enables users to create playlists which are stored remotely against an ID value from a local cookie. The service is unbelievable fast as vidzone have some serious hosting. I was the lead Flash developer on this project and wrote all the code dealing with streaming, data sending/loading and the framework for the site.
Some of the features are:
- Search by Artist / Song / Genre
- Playlists (Featured playlists and user generated playlists)
- Fullscreen button
- Proper RTMP streaming
by Daniel | Aug 21, 2008 | actionscript
just finished building the new vidzone site
unlimited streaming videos
more later

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