by Daniel | Aug 3, 2010 | actionscript
Here is a handy class to display a simple spinning load indicator / preload animation while your content is loading or transitioning. This demo uses the bit101 minimalcomps to show how flexible and configurable this class is.

Use this demo to set up the style for your project, then hit the “copy” button to copy the configuration to your clipboard.
click to launch
// create
_loadInd = new LoadIndicator(this, 75, 75);
// remove
by Daniel | Jan 23, 2010 | actionscript, Tools
This FLV Info tool enables you to view embedded MetaData without needing to play the video. Just like the SWFInfo tool I blogged about last year, using this tool you select your FLV file using the FileReference class and then you can view all you need to know about your Flash video : duration, width, height, videodatarate, framerate, videocodecid and stereo values.
It works by converting the loaded FLV data into a ByteArray and then searching for the string values associated with each metadata value. Then it reads either a double-precision (64-bit) floating-point number from the ByteArray, or in the case of ‘stereo’, a Boolean value. Also it will tell you how the videocodecid number translates into an understandable string value (i.e. VP6, H263 or AVC).

duration, width, height, videodatarate, framerate, videocodecid, stereo
by Daniel | Nov 21, 2009 | actionscript, Tools
Have a local SWF but no FLA? Need to know the width, height, swf version, actionscript version or framerate?
You can use this tool to load in your SWF and find out everything you need to know.
It works with Flash Movies using ActionScript 2.0 or 3.0 and will tell you instantly all the information you need to know about your SWF.

swfVersion, actionScriptVersion, frameRate, width, height
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