by Daniel | Sep 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
I have now made the UK Postcode Mapper Firefox extension open source, after a user suggestion on this blog. I initially decided to create this extension as a way to learn more about Firefox and javascript. Since the first build I have updated it twice, but don’t have time to maintain it anymore, so making it open-source makes perfect sense.
The source can be access on github at this location:
The license info is in the README file.
If you would like to get involved in publishing / updating this project at, please email me and I will add you as a new Author.
by Daniel | Oct 11, 2009 | actionscript
Here is an excellent post about how to use an ‘onclick’ event to dynamically load a SWF. The great thing about this example is that the javascript will dynamically add or remove the required DIV tag needed to embed the SWF.
by Daniel | Sep 9, 2009 | actionscript
I’ve just updated UK Postcode Mapper Firefox plug-in to support Firefox version 3.5.*
Once you’ve added the button to your toolbar, you can see any UK post code on a map in only two clicks.
by Daniel | Mar 31, 2009 | actionscript
My first Firefox Extension UK Postcode Mapper has had over 100 downloads now but only one review. It will not leave the ‘experimental’ sandbox until it has more than 4 reviews. If anyone could please download it and review it (there really isn’t that much to it), it would be appreciated!

by Daniel | Jan 18, 2009 | actionscript
Download the UK Postcode Mapper Firefox extension here:
UK Postcode Mapper

This is my first Firefox Extension. It searches the current page you are browsing for any UK Postcode. It then shows you a list of all postcodes on a small popup window. Then you just click on the postcode you would like to see on a map and (by default) a new tab opens with the postcode mapped in Google Maps. You can change the settings to open in a new window and also change the default map provider from Google to MultiMap or StreetMap.
I built this extension to learn how Firefox Extensions work and also to make my life easier as I always seem to be cutting and pasting postcodes into Google Maps to see where places are in London. After installing this you can see any UK postcode on a map in only 2 clicks! (That is saving a copy + open new window + type in + paste + an enter!)
Here you can change the default settings

I’d recommend adding a button to your Toolbar. This can be done by right-clicking on your toolbar and selecting ‘Customise…’. Then you can drag and drop the ‘Map postcodes’ button.
This extension can also be accessed from the Tools menu.

Please leave me any feedback, suggestions or complaints in the comments.
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