by Daniel | Nov 21, 2009 | actionscript, Tools
Have a local SWF but no FLA? Need to know the width, height, swf version, actionscript version or framerate?
You can use this tool to load in your SWF and find out everything you need to know.
It works with Flash Movies using ActionScript 2.0 or 3.0 and will tell you instantly all the information you need to know about your SWF.

swfVersion, actionScriptVersion, frameRate, width, height
by Daniel | Apr 21, 2009 | actionscript
This is a project I worked on a few years ago and forgot about for a while. It took a while for it to go live with the the redesign but it is live now.
It is ActionScript2.0 and run by a very large data set, and configured completely via XML.

by Daniel | Nov 10, 2008 | actionscript
This small project went live recently. It is AS2.0 and XML driven.

by Daniel | Sep 26, 2008 | actionscript
If you’ve ever created a digital timer or clock then you probably used something like this function. It adds a leading zero if the number is only one digit long. This means that if the minute value is ‘6’ then it will return ’06’. eg. 12:06:43
class com.sitedaniel.utils.StringUtil
public function StringUtil(){}
* leadingZero
* Adds a zero if the length is less than 2
* @param s
* @return String with length of 2
input '0' return '00'
input '5' return '05'
input '24' return '24'
public static function leadingZero(s:String):String {
switch (s.length){
case 1 :
return "0" + s;
case 2 :
return s;
default :
return s;
by Daniel | Sep 23, 2008 | actionscript
The E4 Dead Set site went live on Friday.
The build was enjoyable as there are many interesting video and sound effects.
It is XML driven and uses the BrightCove FLV player and Omniture Tracking.

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