Opening Pop-up windows from Flash
Recently I read that the best way to open pop-up windows from Flash was to use the ExternalInterface class. I found some code that looked good but it didn’t work in Safari on a Mac.
if (ExternalInterface.available) {"", "popup.html", "win", "height=300, width=400, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes"); } else { getURL('popup.html', '_blank'); }
However it isn’t that hard to just use getURL and call a javascript function set in the html page:
//javascript function openPopup() { winWidth = 450; winHeight = 680; screenWidth = screen.availWidth; screenHeight = screen.availHeight; if (screenWidth < winWidth) { winWidth = screenWidth; } if (screenHeight < winHeight) { winHeight = screenHeight; } winTop = (screenHeight - winHeight) / 2; winLeft = (screenWidth - winWidth) / 2;\'page.html\',\'Title\',\'width=450, height=680,scrollbars=no, status=no,resizeable=yes\'+ \', left=\' + winLeft + \', top=\' + winTop); //window.focus(); }
So far this works in all browsers.
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